Currey, Norman S. Aircraft landing and gear design : principles and practices - Washington : AIAA, 1988. - x, 373 p. : il. - AIAA Education Series . 1- Introduction. 2- The design process. 3- Initial layout. 4- Requirements. 5- Shock absorber design. 6- Tires. 7- Brakes, wheels and skid control. 8- Kinematics. 9- Steering systems. 10- Detail design. 11- Weight. 12- Airfield considerations. 13- Unorthodox landing gears. 14- Design data. 15- Specifications. ISBN: 093040341X Subjects--Topical Terms: DISEŅO TREN DE ATERRIZAJECOMPONENTES TREN DE ATERRIZAJENEUMATICOSFRENOSSKICOLUMNA DEL VOLANTECABINA DEL PILOTOCOLADISEŅO AMORTIGUADORDISEŅO DE CUBIERTASSISTEMA DE DIRECCIONSTEERINGESTIMACION DE PESOCAMPO DE AVIACION Universal Decimal Class. No.: 629.7.027