TY - BOOK AU - Smith,Robin TI - Chemical process design and integration / SN - 0471486817 PY - 2005/// CY - England : PB - Wiley, KW - PROCESOS QUIMICOS KW - INGENIERIA QUIMICA N2 - The nature of chemical process design and integration - Process economics - Optimization - Thermodynamic properties and phase equilibrium - Choice of reactor I - Reactor performance - Choice of reactor II - Reactor conditions - Choice of reactor III - Reactor configuration - Choice of separator for heterogeneous mixtures - Choice of separator for homogeneous fluid mixtures. I - Distillation - Choice of separator for homogeneous fluid mixtures. II - Other methods - Distillation sequencing - Distillation sequencing for azeotropic distillation - Reaction, separation and recycle systems for continous processes - Reaction, separation and recycle systems for batch processes - Heat exchanger networks - I - Heat transfer equipment - Heat exchanger networks - II - Energy targets - Heat exchanger networks - III - Capital and total cost targets - Heat exchanger networks IV - Network design - Heat exchanger networks V - Stream data - Heat integration of reactors - Heat integration of distillation columns - Heat integration of evaporators and dryers - Stearm systems and cogeneration - Cooling and refregeration systems - Environmental design for atmospheric emissions - Water systems design - Inherent safety - Clean process technology - Overall strategy for chemical process design and integration - Appendix ER -