TY - BOOK AU - Abel,Irving ED - National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA. TI - Research and applications in structures at the Nasa Langley Research Center / PY - 1997/// CY - Hampton : PB - NASA, KW - CARGA DE COMPRESION KW - MATERIALES COMPUESTOS KW - PANELES COMPUESTOS KW - RESISTENCIA RESIDUAL KW - DAÑOS POR IMPACTO KW - FATIGA KW - PLACAS COMPUESTAS KW - POLIMEROS DE ALTO RENDIMIENTO KW - DISEÑO DE FUSELAJES KW - DISEÑO DE ESTRUCTURAS DE AVIONES KW - ANALISIS DE FALLAS KW - ESTRUCTURAS COMPUESTAS LAMINADAS KW - TENSION AXIAL KW - PANELES SANDWICH KW - PLACAS SANDWICH KW - PANELES LATERALES COMPUESTOS KW - PLACAS CURVAS KW - PANDEO KW - ALA COMPUESTA KW - ANALISIS NO LINEAL N1 - NASA Technical Memorandum 110311 N2 - Automated fabrication technologies for high performance polymer composites. M. J. Shuart, N. J. Johnston, H. B. Dexter, J. M. Marchello, R. W. Grenoble. - A review of the NASA textile composite research. C. C. Poe, H. B. Dexter, I. S. Raju - Design-oriented analysis of aircraft fuselage structures. AIAA-98-1749. Gary L. Giles - Evaluation of a progressive failure analysis methodology for laminated composite structures. AIAA paper 97-1187. David W. Sleigh, Norman F. Knight, John T. Wang. - Response of composite fuselage sandwich side panels subjected to internal pressure and axial tension. AIAA paper No. 98-1708. Marshal Rouse, Damodar Ambur, Bernard Dopker, Bharat Shah - Damage caracteristics and residual strenght of composite sandwich panels impacted with and without compression loading. AIAA paper No. 98-1783. David M. McGowan, Damodar R. Ambur - Behavior of compression-loaded composite panels with stringer terminations and impact damage. AIAA paper No. 98-1795-CP. Dawn C. Jegley - Fatigue life methodology for tapered composite flexbeam laminates. Gretchen B. Murri, T. Kevin O´Brien, Carl Q. Rousseau - Effect of curvature on the impact damage characteristics and residual strenght of composite plates. AIAA paper No. 98-1881. Damodar R. Amur, James H. Starnes - Fracture mechanics analysis of stitched stiffener-skin debonding. AIAA 98-2022. E. H. Glaessgen, I. S. Raju, C. C. Poe - Development of curved-plate elements for the exact buckling analysis of composite plate assemblies including transverse shear effects. David M. McGowan, Melvin S. Anderson - Application of interface technology in nonlinear analysis of a stitched/rfi composite wing stub box. John T. Wang, Jonathan B. Ransom - Experimental investigation of a graphite-composite intertank section for a reusable launc vehicle. James Wayne Sawyer, Harold Bush - Buckling analysis of anisotropic curved panels and shells with variable curvature. AIAA paper 98-1772. Navin Jaunky, Norman F. Knight, Damodar R. Ambur - Anomalous buckling characteristics of laminated metal-matrix composite plates wiyh central square holes. NASA/TP 1998-206559. William L. Ko - The NASA monographs on shell stability design recommendations. A review and suggested improvements. NASA/TP 1998-206290. Michael P. Nemeth, James H. Starnes ER -