Roller, Duane H. D.

Perspectives in the history of science and technology / edited by Duane H. D. Roller. - Oklahoma : University of Oklahoma, 1971 - x, 307 p. : il.

Papers presentados en el simposio de la Universidad de Oklahoma Abril 8-12, 1969.

The Kuhnian Paradigm and the Darwinian revolution in natural history - The Counter-reformation in eighteenth-century science. Last phase - The energetics controversy and the new thermodynamics - The car and the road: highway technology and highway policy - Art, science, and technology: noteson their historical interaction - Stages in the development of Newton´s dynamics - Uniformity and progression: reflections on the structure of geological theory in the age of Lyell - Archimedes in the Late Midde Ages - Stephen Moulton Babcock-Benevolent skeptic - The science of history and the history of science


