Thomas, Ronald L.

Preliminary results of the large experimental wind turbine phase of the National Wind Energy Program / by Ronald L. Thomas, John E. Sholes - Cleveland : United States. Department of Energy, 1975 - 13 p. : il. - DOE/NASA 1004-77/9 UC-60 .

Technical paper to be presented at the Frontiers of Technology Conference sponsored by Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, October 1-2, 1975 Report No. NASA TM X-71796

A major phase of the wind energy program is the development of reliable wind turbines for supplying cost-competitive electrical energy. This paper discusses the preliminary results of two projects in this phase of the program. First an experimental 100 kW wind turbine design and its status are reviewed. Also discussed are the results of two parallel design studies for determining the configurations and power levels for wind turbines with minimum energy costs. These studies show wind energy costs of 7 to 1.5 c/kWH for wind turbines produced in quantities of 100 to 1000 a year and located at sites having average winds of 12 to 18 mph

